The Legal Services Board’s regional legal aid clinics are located in Cambridge Bay (Kitikmeot Law Centre), Rankin Inlet (Kivalliq Legal Services), and Iqaluit (Maliganik Tukisiniarvik). The clinics are staffed with family, criminal, and civil lawyers.  Administrative support staff are based in each clinic. Courtworkers are also based both within the clinics and in the communities.

Please contact one of our regional offices for legal assistance. Contact information for each regional office is as follows:


Kitikmeot Law Centre

25 Mitik St
Cambridge Bay, Nunavut
X0B 0C0
(867) 983-2906

Kivalliq Legal Services

P.O. Box 420
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut
X0C 0G0
(867) 645-2536

Maliiganik Tukisiiniakvik Legal Services

P.O. Box 29, Bldg#1104-B
Inuksugait Plaza
Iqaluit, Nunavut
X0A 0H0
(867) 975-5377